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Trevor Mastrantonio grew up in Oregon. As a small child he exciled in all the skills necessary for a baby boy. As a little boy he was smart and kind to others and began playing baseball and doing well in school. Middle school he played football and finished the 2 years with a 3.95 GPA. The only B was from a Math test that he couldnt take because he was sick. Currently he is in high school, typing this paragraph, except when this is read he will obviously be finished typing. As of now he has a 4.0 GPA and will continue that throughout his high school career with the hopes to get an Academic Scholarship. That way his parents won't have to pay for college. Which is very expensive. If you are still reading then you have his respect. It was a long paragraph and I'm glad you made it through it. Lions can't climb trees. Even if you don't like my art, then atleast you learned something. Now if yo're ever in Africa and you come across a lion, you'll know to get up in a tree. While sitting up there you will think, "Man that Trevor kid really saved my life".

About Trevor Mastrantonio

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